Online Bulletin image
  1. There is a Sermon Schedule in the lobby for the month of September. Please make these services a priority as we walk through Philippians together!
  2. The Celebration of Life for Tracy Barber will be held at the church on Saturday, September 14, at 2 p.m. The entire church is invited to honor her memory, thank the Lord for her, and support the family.
  3. Awana will begin this evening at 6 p.m. and they will be dismissing this year at 7:10 p.m. Please see Chris Gresens or Katherine Huebotter with any questions.
  4. Our next finance committee meeting will be held on October 20 after the evening service. There will be no meeting in September. 
  5. Fathers and grandfathers, be sure to attend the Dads’ Bible Study every other Tuesday evening from 6:00 to 7:30. We are studying Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Please see Chris Gresens with any questions. 
  6. Please be in prayer for our pastor and his family as they take a sabbatical rest for the month of September. 
  7. If you would like a church directory, please request it from Julie Flanagan. You may choose a printed copy or a pdf.
Announcements image
John Rooney (9/8)
Carol Starkey (9/9)
Wesley Jackson (9/11)
Ashley Hall (9/14)

Tithes and Offering: $5,012
Missions: $437
Building Fund: $10
Benevolence: $100 in memory of Tracy Barber

Tithes and Offering: $1,545
Benevolence: $200 in memory of Tracy Barber

Sunday School (9/8): Kelly & Patricia
Sunday Morning (9/8): Kat & Hannah
Sunday Evening (9/8): Ashley H & Shannon
Wednesday Evening (9/11): Laura & Hannah